What to Understand about Micromanagement

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Micromanagement is the situation where the managers are excessively scrutinizing over the employees. They are everywhere, and it is like there is no freedom in the workplace. It is actually a good thing to have the manager super involved. However, when it is too much, things become really not great there, and everyone feels the discomfort.

What are the characteristics of this type of managerial? Well, you can read everything about it below. After all, it is very well-known that manager is not someone who has to constantly look as leader, but you cannot help it. More than 45% workers in the USA said they cannot stand their manager, and it is probably because they are establishing micro-managing situation. These include:

  • Excessive Control – Micro manager will most likely to have excessive control over the employees. They feel like they own you and you just cannot remove them even after working hours. They are constantly behind your tail, and it is truly bothering indeed.
  • Lack of Freedom in Workplace – When people are talking about what is micromanaging, they will most likely answer that it is where you get very little to less freedom in the workplace. The manager will scrutinize you to the fullest, especially when you are in the workplace. They ask for details and will not let you escape their observations.
  • Excessive Tasks – What is micromanagement? Well, you can say it is where you manager gives you tons of tasks and workflow every day. You will feel super overwhelmed by the tasks and the jobs given by the manager. Well, it will be very hard for you to work on anything else, even at home.
  • Tyrant-Like Situation – There will be times where micromanagement examples are including that the leaders are mostly tyrant and narcissist. They see the employee as workers and not their peers. It allows them to develop sense of ownership to the employee and it is very, very dangerous.

How to Deal with a Micromanager in Workplace?

If you have to deal with this condition, you have to be stronger. Being able to say no and provide good reasons for it will be such a key to manage your dignity in the office. Make sure you can do that or ask the help from human resources department.

Micromanagement Quotes for You

If you want to find some words about this type of manager, there are quotes for you to take a look. These will help you to express what you are thinking about the manager, and it is usually done in merry and jokingly situation.

“Invariably, micromanaging results in four problems: deceit, disloyalty, conflict, and communication problems.” – John Rosemond

“In general, looking forward is great management; looking backward is micromanagement.” – Verne Harnish

“We live in a world where the laws are getting so tight that management has changed to micro-management to quantum-management to paralysis.” – Jane Siberry

“Macromanage, Not Micromanage” – Miles Anthony Smith

“You can’t micromanage. People who try to do that often fall on their faces. Incentivize those who work with you so you get the best work you can. Every career is a team effort, even if you’re the one in front.” – Michael Franzese

“Micromanage the process, not the people.” – Joe Apfelbaum

“A boss who micromanages is like a coach who wants to get in the game. Leaders guide and support and then sit back to cheer from the sidelines. ” – Simon Sinek

“Micromanagement is an obstacle to be overcome rather than a method to command.” – Terry Mixon

“Team members need to feel trusted and valued, and micromanaging communicates the opposite. Founders who are prone to manage every detail of their businesses will ultimately kill themselves as well as lose the support of team members. Learn to delegate key tasks and give credit.” – Martin Zwilling

“Trust is a core currency of any relationship. Sometimes our need to control and micromanage everything erodes our confidence in ourselves and others. The truth: People are much more capable than we think. A hearty dose of trust is often what’s needed to unlock the magic. Go ahead, have faith.” – Kris Carr

“You do not lead by hitting people over the head — that’s assault, not leadership.” – Dwight Eisenhower

“Micromanaging erodes people’s confidence, making them overly dependennt on their leaders. Well-meaning leaders inadvertently sabotage their teams by rushing to the rescue and offering too much help. A leader needs to balance assistance with wu wei, backing off long enough to let people learn from their mistakes and develop competence.” – Diane Dreher

“When managers overdo micromanaging of others, they probably hired the wrong people or failed to give them a clear idea of what each one is to accomplish. I prefer to train employees to be self-managers, just as in an orchestra each performer knows his or her role without being micromanaged.” – Philip Kotler

“In my experience, directors who are the most comfortable with themselves and confident in their work give you and everybody on the crew the freedom and the space to create. It’s the people who are more insecure who feel the need to control and micromanage.” – Sarah Gadon

“Micromanagers tell. Leaders ask.” – Jo Miller

“If you allow staff to own a project, you must trust in their capacity and avoid micromanagement, … Be there to provide support when needed, but don’t force yourself into the picture.” – Barbara Moses

“Micromanaging is ridiculous. There’s always a certain amount of dynamic tension, which is good because it stimulates creative thinking. But what we want to look for (in city government) is a balance where each body or group of people is fulfilling their role.” – Karin Uhlich

“Micromanagement is the motivational equivalent of buying on credit. Enjoy a better product now, but pay a hefty price for it later.” – Ron Friedman

“The conventional definition of management is getting work done through people, but real management is developing people through work.” – Agha Hasan Abedi

Now, after you know the micromanage definition, the characteristics, and everything else, you need to keep avoiding being this kind of manager or avoid being led by this type of manager as well. Mind your mental health and run for the hills if your workplace is being run by someone like this. It is not very good to have micromanagement running throughout the office as they will do your dirty.

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