How Do You Find the Perfect Speaker for Your Event

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You want to organize a conference with the presence of a well-known speaker to increase its impact but you don’t know who to call? Faced with the evolution of the conference market, how to choose the right speaker? We give you the keys to identify the ideal speaker for your corporate event.

The venue, décor, audiovisual equipment, etc. are all elements of an event that contribute to the cachet and image of the company hosting it. But what participants will probably remember most is a speaker who is able to captivate his audience until the last second. In this blog, we help you find that rare gem for your next event.

Look for proven expertise 

In the step-by-step plan for organizing your event, great importance is given to finding the right speakers. It is best to start this task several months in advance, as good speakers are in high demand and their schedules are therefore very busy. Once you have decided on the themes of your event, you can begin your search.

And in this respect, nothing beats practice. Register for similar events and personally attend as many conferences and presentations as possible. Analyze the feeling you get from them, but also ask for feedback from the attendees. Did they find the content relevant? Was the presentation engaging? Did they really get something out of it?

One thing is certain: you can’t spend all day attending events. So this is the perfect time to reach out to your network. Call around and ask your LinkedIn contacts if they’ve met any good speakers recently, if they know of a speaker who might be a good fit for your event, who can bring that extra something to your event, who is currently attracting the most people, etc.

Online platforms

There are a few platforms on the Internet where you can hire inspirational speakers. For example, you will find a short presentation of each speaker and can consult the topics of their presentations with a simple click. The explanations are often detailed.

Get to know each other better

Next, develop a shortlist of potential speakers. There are still a few things you need to clarify before making the final selection. As is often the case, social media can be a rich source of information. Look for feedback, events where the speaker has already spoken and the impact they have had.

This will give you an initial idea of their image. You may be able to rule out a few names in this process. But be sure to take the feedback, positive or negative, very carefully. Anyone can spew venom online, and sometimes fans can be a little too enthusiastic.

Next step: contact the speakers on your list personally (by phone or email). Briefly introduce your event and its objectives and explain that you are interested in collaborating. Address directly the question of the remuneration requested by the speaker.

It is generally proportional to the size and influence of the event. Also take into account any travel and accommodation expenses.

If a speaker turns out to be too expensive for your budget, do not be tempted. Continue your research and you may find a speaker who is less influential but just as capable of captivating the audience. Remember that even the greatest speakers have had humble beginnings.

Final agreements

Have you found your ideal speaker(s)? Then make your final arrangements. Include the speaker in your roadmap and share it with him/her from now on. Discuss the content of the presentation together, adapt it if necessary and set a date when you would like to receive the final presentation and the outline of its content. Allow enough time to process everything (uploading, translation, printing, abstracts, etc.).

Your speaker has recently published a book? You can offer it to the participants by slipping it into the goodie bag. Try to involve the speakers in your event, think together about possible incentives or original angles of approach to bring an extra dimension to your event. Your organization and the motivation of the speakers will only benefit from it.

What type of format should I choose?

Each speaker has his or her own speaking style and format that should be taken into account when making your decision. With the trend of TED talks, short formats are becoming more and more popular. However, it is important to know that a short format will not necessarily cost less.

In addition, a longer format allows the speaker to detail more ideas and really demonstrate their knowledge, while still allowing time for the audience’s memory, imagination, and ideas to settle.

It is also necessary to allow time for exchange for greater interactivity and impact. The format chosen for a conference is, therefore, an important criterion in the choice of a speaker.

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