How to Say Good Morning in Spanish Correctly with Examples

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Do you know how to say good morning in Spanish? Well, in Spanish, people usually say Buenos dias to say good morning. In English, the term buenos dias literally means good days. However, in Spanish-speaking countries, buenos dias means good morning. Spanish good morning is a little different from greetings in other languages. The term for ‘morning’ is ‘maana,’ but you should not say ‘buena maana‘ in Spanish. It’s worth noting that ‘buenos dias‘ is always used in the plural.

Why when greeting someone good morning in Spanish use the plural word? Is there a reason? There is a reason behind using plural words when speaking in Spanish. A study conducted by Elhami shows in Spanish people tend to use polite forms when talking to show respect in Spanish culture, and plural form used for the elderly or people with higher positions. Therefore, you have to be careful when speaking to Spanish people so as not to cause misunderstandings when says good morning Spanish.

Besides goodmorning in Spanish, if you travel to Spain, you should at least learn some of their culture in greeting and speaking. Here are some tips for greeting Spanish people properly.

  • Personal titles – Men and women may be addressed as ‘Seor’ or ‘Seora’ respectively while speaking in formal contexts. You must learn this to great properly.
  • Hug – As we know, greetings get more affectionate as people get to know each other. If it is between guys, it may involve an embrace and a touch on the shoulder or elbow. Well, this is a common culture.
  • Handshakes – In addition, an appropriate greeting in professional settings is a firm handshake with eye contact and a smile.
  • Kiss on cheek – This this kind of greeting, each cheek is kissed to begin with in a customary informal greeting. This salutation is very frequent among ladies. Men are more likely to kiss women goodbye and hello then they are to shake their hands, according to a recent study.

The Spanish Greetings are Important in and for Life

How can a greeting be such an important thing in our lives? You surely do agree when greeting someone, you will seem friendly to the people around you. Even by saying hello, you will get new acquaintances or relationships. The more acquaintances, the better off you will be because we cannot live alone. In the world, not only in Spain, greeting has become a basic thing that humans must learn in order to establish good communication.

Ways to Say Good Morning in Spanish

Greetings! – ¡Saludos!

Good morning! – ¡Buenos días!

Hi! – ¡Hola!

Hey! – ¡Eh!

How are you? – ¿Cómo estás?

Welcome! – ¡Bienvenido!

What’s up?! – ¿Qué pasa?

What a lovely morning! – ¡Qué hermosa mañana!

Morning! How’s it going? – ¡Buenos días! ¿Cómo va todo?

Hey! Long time no see. – ¡Hola! Cuánto tiempo sin verte.

Hello! How have you been? – ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?

Rise and Shine! – ¡Levántate y brilla!

Good day to you! – ¡Buenos días!

Have a great day! – ¡Que tengas un gran día!

How do you do? – ¿Cómo está usted?

What’s new? – ¿Qué hay de nuevo?

Wishing you the best for the day ahead! – ¡Le deseo lo mejor para el día que viene!

How are you this morning? – ¿Cómo estás esta mañana?

What a pleasant morning we have! – ¡Qué agradable mañana tenemos!

Good morning sunshine! – ¡Buenos días, sol!

Good Afternoon! – ¡Buenas tardes!

Good evening! – ¡Buenas noches!

Did you sleep well? – ¿Durmió bien?


¡Hola! – Hello! / Hi!

Que tengas buen día – Have a good day (casual)

Que tengas un lindo día – Have a nice day (casual)

Que tenga buen día – I hope you have a good day (formal)

Hola señorita, buenos días – Hello miss, good morning (formal)

Buen día caballero – Good day gentleman


¿Qué tal va tu mañana? – How is your morning going? (casual)

¿Qué tal va su mañana? – How is your morning going? (formal)

¿Cómo está? – How are you? (formal)

¿Durmió bien? – Did you sleep well? (formal)

¿Descansaste bien? – Did you rest? (casual)


Good Morning in Spanish Examples

Good morning, Mr Peters. – Buenos días, señor Peters.

Welcome! Please, come in. – ¡Bienvenido! Pasa, por favor.

The astronaut sends greetings to his loved ones. – El astronauta envía saludos a sus seres queridos.

Using the Proper Spanish Greeting for the Right Time and Person  

In fact, every language requires us to understand its usage correctly, such as when and with whom we should use it. Furthermore, greeting someone is also an important thing to learn. You have to remember the greeting by saying good morning or Buenos dias in Spanish is used to greet people who are older or of high social standing. If you use the wrong greeting, it will certainly create a misunderstanding that you should avoid.

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