9 Keys to Being a Great Event Planner

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The success of an event depends almost ninety-nine percent on the organization. As an event planning company, we know how important it is to have everything under control so that things run smoothly afterward. Even improvisation has to be well planned. As suppliers of custom t-shirts, we also know the importance of punctuality, and the good management of each and every detail of a good event organizer.

To work in this market requires certain characteristics or skills; among them, to be skillful and efficient to handle all possible situations, resourceful to make the right use of resources and budget. And of course, very positive to withstand eventualities, but don’t worry, we’ll make it! And of course, be very attentive and observant of the environment in which you operate, without ever forgetting to be friendly.

This is a market saturated by competition, you must always differentiate yourself. These characteristics are essential, but here are 9 keys of the good event planner to make them perfect:

Have a clear objective

It is imperative to know what the objective of the event is. You have to be clear about what you want to achieve since customer loyalty is not the same as customer acquisition or the presentation of a certain product.

Values of an Event Organizer

It is essential that you know what you want to transmit in your event, the image you want to convey, what you want the attendees to think of you, your company, or your association.

Contacts are everything

If there is a keyword besides organization, it is contacting. You have to know that contacts are the key to success. Having the best contacts means having the best experts, suppliers, advisors, influencers, with whom you can work together for the promotion and above all the success of your event, which gives you as an event organizer a grade of 10.

Details under control

Regardless of how big you want your event to be, it is very important that everything is perfectly controlled. Down to the smallest detail. Something unexpected can always come up, but when things are well planned, you have the techniques and the ability to solve it.

The best experience

An event is a perfect occasion for attendees to enjoy a good experience, so innovation and emotion management are two fundamental pillars.

Generate experiences

Beyond memory, in your social event, you have to deliver something. Merchandising offers us the perfect solutions for your attendees to take away with them more than just the memory of the experience they have had. As a good “event organizer” company, we know how important it is that detail that you deliver as a finishing touch.

Clear strategy

A good event planner has defined in advance what is the strategy that will follow in the organization of the event. This is essential.

The search for speakers, agreements with suppliers, event content, technology… the catering service, even how it will be promoted, and measure the results. In addition, with a good strategy you will be safe in case of a possible problem, always have a plan B at hand.

Promotion and communication

A fundamental part for your event to be successful is the communication strategy you use to make yourself known, to catch people’s attention, and to make them come. It is important to work in the best way for the promotion and communication of your event. As I have to emphasize the word, it is very important, the creation of a web page with the specifications of the event.

Exact place, time, itinerary, exhibitors, it would be ideal that you also include to whom the event is addressed and what are its advantages. Send invitations by email, it would be great if you segment them so that they are more personalized, (where did you meet these people, marketing, events, SMEs?) Use all your social networks to promote your event, create a Facebook page, talk to your speakers and collaborators to help you promote your event in their networks and blogs.

The newspaper will never cease to be an excellent ally. Take advantage of all these classified and advertisement pages that are free, and if you have the budget available, the best advice, carry out diffusion campaigns, if you have social networks, publish them.


Don’t forget that technology is fundamental for any event organizer. Artificial Intelligence, virtual reality, the use of apps and drones are part of the strategies that brands are applying to their events.

Social networks, smartphones, and tablets have given rise to a new concept of communication that the corporate events sector is perfect to keep under control of our events and innovate in creativity and new personal experiences. Examples of this to mention a few are:

  • Video mapping: projections on surfaces.
  • Streaming Conferences: The live transmission of the event.
  • For screen: Projecting images in the air on a kind of dense fog. Robots or drones.
  • Holograms: Three-dimensional images through light.

Analyzing your results is essential. It is fundamental to know the negative and positive aspects of the event, and the impact on the organization. However, thanks to the use of Big Data, little by little companies are moving towards the knowledge of this data.

In addition, the event must have a purpose, which can be to generate brand awareness, networking, branding, and generate contacts. Once finished you must analyze the ROI (Return on Investment) is a percentage that is calculated based on the investment and the benefits obtained.

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