91+ Potato Puns and Jokes That Are Tater-ly Hilarious

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In fact, to make the amusing puns, you can use literally every single thing in your surroundings as the main topic. One of the most universal themes is potato puns because of its characteristic which categorized as the common topic. Well, potato jokes are safe for every kind of age range and even gender. You can also use them for children or the elders.

As we know, potatoes are easy to find in almost every corner in the whole wide world, and they are also easy to be processed into any kind of delish food that we love, starting from French fries, baked potato, to the more complex dishes, such as mac and cheese. That’s why it is no surprise that many people love potatoes, and make jokes about potatoes since it is an “easy” topic.

Besides the puns and jokes, you need to know the fact that you can’t consume potatoes too much. According to the popular nutritionist and the creator of “The Candida Diet”, Lisa Richards, you have a higher chance to experience many bad side effects of eating too many potatoes, such as high blood pressure, weight gain, and stomachache. However, this fact actually can be your idea to make the funny potatoes puns. Well, if you find it hard to make some amusing puns, here the tips that you can do.

  • Find the safest topic – Of course, you can’t use a topic that has the potential to make someone get offended. You should choose a safe topic of potato puns that’s funny and light.
  • Define your audience – If you want to use the riskier topic, make sure you know who your audience is since it could be a bad joke if you deliver them to the “wrong” audience. In addition, know the place and situation as well.
  • Always improve – When you decide to finally deliver your spud puns but no one seems to laugh or find it funny, do not be discouraged and improve to create the better jokes.

Funny Potato Puns to Cheer Up Your Loved Ones

Funny Potato Puns to Cheer Up Your Loved Ones

Not everyone has the ability to create good jokes that can be heard by everyone. Well, everyone is born with different talents and skills. Therefore, do not be worried if you can’t make good jokes even after you read and practice the good tips above. There are so many quotes about potatoes that you can say, or even use them as social media captions. Just choose one that fits to your situation. Here is the list of funny potato puns that you can take whenever you want to impress your friends or family.

What do you call a spud that always keeps its cool? A medi-tater.

What do you call a fake potato? An imi-tater.

Did you hear about that potato that had its head chopped off? It was decap-potatoed.

What do you call potatoes that have gone over to the dark side? Vader Tots.

What do you call a potato at a sports game? A spec-tater.

A woman goes into a shop and asks if they sell potato clocks. The assistant says “Sorry, we don’t. We have alarm clocks, wall clocks, wind-up clocks… But I’ve never even heard of a potato clock.” The woman says, “neither have I, but I start my new job at nine tomorrow morning so my husband said I should get a potato clock.”

Which disease is the biggest killer of potatoes? Tuber-culosis

Why didn’t the potato want his daughter to marry the news reporter? Because he was a commen-tater.

What do you call a potato that’s spinning around? A rotate-o.

What do you call a potato that’s always looking for a fight? An agi-tater.

Why did the pie cross the road? She was meat an potato.

What do you call a lethargic baby kangaroo? A pouch potato.

What do you call a potato that’s afraid to go into hot water? A hes-i-tater.

What’s a potato’s favorite TV show? Starch Trek.

What do you get after a potato rain storm? Spuddles.

Why did the sea monster eat twelve boats carrying sacks of potatoes? Because nobody can eat just one potato ship.

Potato Jokes and Puns that will Definitely Make You the “Star” in Your Circle

Potato Jokes and Puns that will Definitely Make You the “Star” in Your Circle

Did you hear about the potato that got its head chopped off? It was decap-potatoed.

Who is the most powerful potato? Darth Tater.

I met a girl that owned three french-fry factories. I was impressed, but to her, it was just small potatoes.

What do you call a yam with a broom? A sweep potato.

Why did the potato cross the road? He saw a fork up ahead.

What do you get when you cross a tater with a race car? Crashed potato.

I yam always very happy… to eat sweet potatoes.

What’s a potato’s favorite TV show? Starch Trek.

What do you call a lazy spud? A couch potato.

What do potatoes eat for breakfast? Pota-toast with jelly.

How did the burger propose to the fry? With an onion ring?

Why can’t a farmer keep secrets on her farm? Because the corn has ears, the potatoes have eyes and the beans stalk.

What do you call a french dog that loves potatoes? A pomme de terrier.

What do you call a potato that gets things done? A facilitate.

What do you call a cautious potato? A hesi-tater.

What do you call the littlest potato? A small fry.

What’s the best potato horror movie? Silence of the Yams.

What’s a sweet potatoes favorite sports team? The New York Yamkees.

Why aren’t the potatoes friends? They got off to a bad starch.

What do you call a passenger train made out of sweet potatoes? A Yamtrack.

How did the Irish potato become bilingual? He became a French Fry.

What is the difference between a hot potato and a flying pig? One’s a heated yam, and one’s a yeeted ham.

Why didn’t the potato chips believe anything the sandwich said? Because the sandwich was full of baloney

A guy goes into a store and asks if they sell Potato Clocks. The assistant says “Sorry sir, we don’t. We have battery clocks, electrical clocks, wind up clocks. In fact, I’ve never heard of a potato clock.” The man says… “Neither have I, but I start my new job at nine tomorrow and my wife said I should get a potato clock.”

Two Amish women are digging potatoes in a field. The first turns to the other, hefts two large taters, and says “These potatoes remind me of my Jacob”. The second replies “They’re that big?” “No”, the first says. “They’re that dirty.”

Russia decided to launch a satellite full of potatoes into orbit to see what would happen. It’s called the SPUDnic.

Why did the sea monster eat twelve ships that were carrying potatoes? Because nobody can eat just one potato ship!

Mr. Potato Head’s wife is upset. She claims he won’t tater anywhere.

What kind of potato would Kim Jong Un be? A dic-tater.

Potato Puns and Jokes

Why didn’t the mother potato want her daughter to marry the famous newscaster? Because he was a common-tater.

Why wouldn’t the reporter leave the mashed potatoes alone? He desperately wanted a scoop.

What instrument does a spud play? A “tuber.”

Why did the French fry win the race? Because it was fast food.

Why does everyone love cooking with potatoes? They’re very a-peeling.

What is a potato’s life philosophy? I think, therefore I yam.

What’s a potato’s favorite song to dance to at a Halloween party? The “Monster Mash.”

Why did I win the potato-hiding-contest? Because my carbo-hide-rate was so good.

What do you call a first aid vehicle made out of potatoes? A yambulance.

What do you call a good-looking french fry? A hot potato.

What do you call a potato that’s reluctant to jump into boiling water? A hesi-tater.

What do you call a potato at a football game? A spec-tater.

What do you call a potato that’s always looking for a fight? An agi-tater.

What do you call a chip that makes fun of you? A tater-taunt.

All potato puns are… pomme de terrible.

Who is a potato’s favorite author? Edgar Allen Poe-tato.

What do you use to carry potatoes? A tater tote.

What do you call a baby potato? Small fry.

What do you get after a potato rainstorm? Spuddles.

What did the father potato say to his daughter before her football game? I’m rooting for you.

What’s a potato’s least favorite dance? The Mash Potato.

Why does everyone love sweet potatoes? They’re yammy.

What’s the difference between pea soup and mashed potatoes? Anyone can mash potatoes, but no one can pea soup.

“How was your day?” The steak asked the gloomy potato. The potato replied, “It was tater-ible.”

Why didn’t the potato want his daughter to marry the news reporter? Because he was a commen-tater.

Why do potatoes make great detectives? “Because they always keep their eyes peeled.”

Which day of the week do potatoes dread the most? “Fry-day.”

Why did the potato salad blush? “Because it saw the salad dressing.”

How do you know a potato is in a bad mood? “When they’re acting salty.”

What do you say to a baked potato that’s angry? “Anything you like, just butter it up.”

Why did the potato cross the road? “He saw a fork up ahead.”

What did the father potato say to his daughter before her football game? “I’m rooting for you.”

Why did the sea monster eat twelve boats carrying sacks of potatoes? “Because nobody can eat just one potato ship.”

What do you call a fake potato? “An imi-tater.”

Did you hear about that potato that had its head chopped off? “It was decap-potatoed.”

What do you call a first aid vehicle made out of potatoes? A yambulance.

Why does everyone love sweet potatoes? They’re yammy.

A baby potato is playing with a baby sweet potato in the playground. The sweet potato says to the potato, “I just found out I’m related to you.” The potato says, “No you’re are not!” The sweet potato says,”Yes, I yam.”

What is a potato’s life philosophy? I think, therefore I yam.

What’s a sweet potato’s favorite horror movie? The Silence of the Yams.

A sweet potato gave a gift to his mum. When she asked why he was so sweet, he replied, “That’s just the way I yam.”

What do you call a yam with a broom? A sweep potato.

What does a potato say on a sunny morning? What a mashing day!

Why shouldn’t you give a zombie mashed potatoes? Because they’re already a little grave-y.

What’s the difference between pea soup and mashed potato? Anyone can mash potatoes, but no one can pee soup.

What do you get when you cross a tater with a race car? Crashed potato.

What’s a potato’s favorite song to dance to at a Halloween party? The ‘Monster Mash’.

What do you get when you put an elephant and a load of potatoes together? Mashed potatoes!

What do you get when you put potatoes on the kitchen floor? Mashed potatoes.

What’s a spud’s least favorite dance? The mash potato.

What do you call a monkey that sells chips? A Chipmunk.

I met a girl who owned three french-fry factories. I was impressed but she said it was just small potatoes.

What do you call a good-looking french fry? A hot potato.

A restaurant put up a sign advertising their new ‘fat-free chips’. When a health-conscious woman ordered some and received a bag of chips dripping in oil she said, “hang on, those don’t look fat-free…”. “Yes they are”, replied the cook. “We’ve only charged you for the chips. The fat is free!”

What do you say when someone tells you French fries are cooked in France? You say, “no they’re not, they’re cooked in Greece”.

What do you call a chip that makes fun of you for not known any potato puns? A tater-taunt.

What do you say at a restaurant when they ask whether you want salad or chips? I’m not taking sides.

What do you call a skateboarding potato that’s careful with money? A Chipskate.

What do you call a potato after it’s been chopped up? A chip.

If you want to find other topics or themes for amusing jokes, you can start with the related topics, such as sweet potato puns. Just like the previous list, you will be provided with some models of the best jokes that you can simply choose and say to your office fellows. Well, get ready to be known and labeled as “the most amusing person in the office”.

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