How to Create the Best Online Event Invitation Emails Proven To Work

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Are you planning to have a virtual event? If yes, it’s good for you to think about how to make people come to your event. Event invitation is one of best idea you can have. Here, you can read the tips to create best online event invitations through email.

Why event invitation is important for your virtual event?

Event invitation takes a big role in how people see your event. It is the thing that reflects the theme and the colour of your event. The first thing people will see. Creating a good first impression of the event is such an essential part to impress and attract people to attend your event. Therefore, you must know how to make the best event invitations.

Planning an online event will require paperless post of event invitations. According to a report, email users in USA grows up to 244.5 million people in 2020. Total of 99% of email users will check their email almost 20 times in a day. Due to this amazing number, email is considered to be one of best marketing tools, especially for you who will have event to be held.

Email event invitation can be used for business event invitations, corporate event invitations, party event invitations, baby shower invitations and other kind of invitations. Here you will find ways to create event invitations online via email that will help you to gain audience and impress them. Without any further do, let’s check it out!

Make a short and valuable subject line

Subject line is important if you want to create an email invitation for your event marketing. The first thing to see for people who receive your email is the subject line itself. If it doesn’t build a good impression, it won’t attract their interest.

By the developing of email usage nowadays, it appears the tight competition among email makers to win the addressed people’s heart. Therefore, it’s an obligation for you to make a perfect version of your event invitation subject line. Then, how?

To write your subject line, you have to write it short to get the attention of your attendees. Make sure that you make it clear and specific by highlighting only the most important and valuable words that represent your event information.

Another option is you can make your subject line more personal by mentioning your attendees’ name on it. Based on a report from Khalid Saleh, an expert of event industry, 22% of people more likely to open their email where the email has personalized subject line on it.

The highest open rate of number of words in email subject line is when the email has 6-10 words of subject line. Here are some examples of great subject line for your online event invitations,

“Hi, Robert! Get Your Free Digital Marketing Webinar Ticket Now!”

“Halloween Party’s coming to Town – Karen, Get Your Ticket Now!”

“Hi John, Join us at Virtual Job Fair on 27 October 2020!”

“Don’t Miss Out the Trivia Games Night on this Saturday”

Write Detail and Informative Body Email

The purpose of invitation email is to give information of your event. Therefore, the body email should contain of detail information of the event. What should be included?

The good event invitation email for virtual event must have the aspects mentioned below

  • The hosts or event planners
  • The name of the invited people
  • The name of the event
  • The date and time
  • The venue of the event
  • RSVP

You can add some additional information of your event such as mentioning the speakers of your event, the benefits the attendees will get, the dress code, or other additional information.

In writing your body email, you should consider the choice of words and style in delivering the message. Wording is also an important aspect for you to consider carefully. If you have an informal event, you can choose more casual language. Party, baby shower, and holiday celebration are example of informal event. Otherwise, if you’re going to write formal invitation email for event such as academic seminars, business meeting, and conference, you should have your formal language to deliver your invitation.

Add interesting and creative images

To make more interesting event invitation, you can custom event invitations email by adding creative and interesting image that related with your event.

Brain Rules stated that when people see information added with images, they will remember 65% of the information mentioned. Therefore, it’s a good idea for you to attach attractive image.

By adding images, it will also leave a good impression for your attendees that they will catch the information faster and last longer. It’s okay for you if you don’t want to attach any image on your body invitation email. But make sure you make it short and clear to avoid people skip reading your email. Place the information in short paragraph.

Send Your Email at Its Best Time

After you finished writing your event invitations online through email, now it’s time to send your online event invitations to your shortlisted attendees. To send an email, you can’t solely send it whenever you want. You have to consider the right time that will increase the chance of your email to be seen by people.

To avoid people not giving time for event due to their busy days, send your invitation earlier before the date of the event. Besides giving a clear schedule for the attendees, it will also give them enough time to do their registration to your event. The period of 2 – 3 weeks before the event is a great choice for you to send your email.

To make sure that people remember your event, you can send the reminder email for them contained information that your event will be held in near future. You can set the reminder 3 – 1 days before the event starts.

A report from CoSchedule said that the best time to send email is around 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. and it gets its highest peak at 10 in the morning during the weekdays. You can choose among Tuesday to Thursday to send your email. It will give the bigger chance for your email to be opened.

Upon reading this article, now you know how to write best event invitation of your own. But, we won’t stop here. To give a clear depiction of how the event invitation look like, here are some examples of invitation email template you might look for.

Business Event Invitations

Before you start writing your business event invitation, it’s better for you to take a look at this business event invitation email sample

Dear Mr. Brown,

It is a pleasure for [the host of the event] to invite you for [event’s name] that will be held on [date and time of event]. This event will be held via Zoom Meeting due to the condition that does not allow us to meet in person.

The event will mainly discuss [details and programs] followed by [entertainment/other sessions] session. It is a great chance for you to get an opportunity for networking and interacting with amazing colleagues from expert in various industry.

Please confirm your attendance latest by [Deadline] by replying this email or by contacting [RSVP name + number/email]. The link of the venue will be sent after you confirm your attendance.

We look forward to seeing you soon!


Best Regards,

[The Host]

[Official Tittle]

By writing this kind of business event, you have to make a subject line wrapped in a formal language such as “Mr Brown, You are invited to Google’s annual conference”. This subject line will make a good first impression.

Another example of business event invitation is an invitation email for meeting as mentioned below

Dear Mr. Brown,

[The host] would like to invite you to [Name of the event] on [Date and time of the event].

The meeting will be held through [The virtual venue]

Kindly read the attached meeting agenda to know the detail information of the meeting.

Please confirm your attendance by reaching to [RSVP] latest by [Deadline]

We look forward to seeing you soon!


Warm Regards,

[The Host]

[Official Tittle]

You can also use this template for your corporate event invitation letter sample, invitation email for meeting or networking event invitations such as conference and workshop. Make sure you make your networking event invitation wording correctly. You can adjust the detail information of your event or you can customize your body email with your own style after seeing those free invitation templates

Office Team Building Invitation

Another free digital invitations sample you can see is office team building invitation. This type of event will be much more interesting if you highlight the purpose and the detail information of your event. Let’s take a look at this office team building invitation email sample.

Hi Sandra!

This email written to inform you that our IT Department will hold a Team Building Night for all the IT Department’s staff. This event will be held on [Date and time of the event] via [The virtual venue].

In order to build stronger bound and relationship among the staffs, it is important for us to have a night when we can share things and ideas while we are having fun together. To bring the better result in synergizing our skills and talent, therefore this event is organized.

At this event, we will have sharing session where all the team members can express their suggestions and thoughts to improve the performance of the company.

Please confirm your attendance at our Team Building Night event by reaching [RSVP] latest by [Deadline].

We look forward to seeing you soon


Warm Regards,

[The Host]

[Official Tittle]

Party Invitation

The next invitation email sample for event as your reference is party invitation. Though you have a virtual party, event invitation is still necessary to write to inform your attendees about the event and get their attendance list. To write the party event invitation email, you have to deliver your message with casual language to attract more people to see your event as a fun and casual event.

Hi Sandra!

Join us for a [Event Name] Virtual party

[Date and time of the event]

[Virtual venue]

Tough we can’t meet in person, the distance won’t separate us!

Please confirm your attendance by reaching [RSVP] latest by [Deadline].

Let’s have a party together!


Warm Regards,

[The Host]

Writing an invitation email for informal event such as this party invitation needs a creative and attractive visualization. Adding images to your email will make your event look more interesting. You can also custom event invitations and wrapped all of your content in one creative image.

Baby Shower Invitations Email

Last but not least, one of free invitations templates you can have is a baby shower event invitation.
Just as the same as party invitation, baby shower is a casual event that people come to have fun and celebrate something. Therefore, you need to choose casual language to deliver your message.
It’s also better if you add image or make your invitation email in one image. People will be more interested with the image you attached. Here are the baby shower event invitations template.

Hi Sandra!

You are invited to [The event name]

[Date and time of the event]

[Virtual venue]

Our lovely tiny human will soon join us in this amazing journey!

Let’s safely celebrate together the happiness of [Name of the parents].

RSVP to [RSVP contact]


Warm Regards,

[The Host]

Those are some free online event invitations samples you can use as your references. After reading this article, you now know how to write the best event invitations through email. Since you will hold your event virtually, you can set your venue in famous platforms such as Zoom, Cisco Webex Meetings, Ms Teams, and other platforms. Choose the most comfortable platform of yours.

Do you have any difficulties or interesting moment in making email event invitation? Please let us know by mentioning it in the comment section below!

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