How Can You Provide Data Security In Event Industry: 3 Simple Ways to Protect Your Event Data

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How Can You Provide Data Security In Event Industry – With the growth of digital technology, data is an invaluable asset today. Data plays a dominant role in all businesses. Therefore, the threat of data security poses a serious problem for both businesses as well as their customers.

The business of the event industry is solely dependent on people; people who participate in the events either to attend or to conduct it. The emphasis on people implies the importance of data collection for measuring the success of the business.

A threat to sensitive event data not only endangers valuable information but also puts your company’s reputation on stake. Lack of data security in events can discredit your company’s reliability and impact your clientele negatively.

Today we’re going to look at some of the approaches you can take to boost the data security of your event management company.

Multi-factor authentication

Applying a multi-factor authentication tool for your business is one of the most straightforward approaches to data security.

Multi-factor authentication ensures that only the authentic owner can access sensitive data. The process adds another layer of protection to your login process. It does so by sending you an OPT via mail or text message to use for logging in. It means that even if someone has your password, they cannot log into your account.

The extra layer of security provided by multi-factor authentication protects your customers’ data effectively. Companies like Microsoft, Github, Facebook, and Amazon Web Services also use MFA for data security.

Cloud security tools

Most of the companies today use cloud storages to preserve their data. However, not all of these companies create their own cloud storage. The Cloud Service Providers offer the companies storage spaces and are responsible for their security.

However, is giving the CSP complete control over your data a good idea? Certainly not. That’s where cloud security tools come in. These tools encrypt the data before storing it on the CSP so that you can keep an eye on your data and its movement. Cloud security tools ensure that you stay in control of your data security, even when it’s stored in cloud storage.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is one such cloud security tool that is widely used by global giants, such as Apple and Google.

Limited access

While cloud security tools control your data security on the outside, how can you protect data on the inside? The safest approach to data security in events is limited access.

Whether your company is small or large, not everyone on the inside works with event data. Thus, not everyone should have access to it. Devise security protocols in which only the need-to-know staff has access to sensitive data. Limited access enables you to monitor the data security of your company more closely, and reduces the risks of a data leak.

Final takeaway

Data security is a growing concern for all companies, and the event industry is no exception to it. The implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has only contributed to the cause. As an event planner, you can employ the security tools and policies mentioned above to keep your event data secure.

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