It’s All About The Relationships: A better event experience

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To launch events you have to build relationships with your market or audience first. Just like in real-life every interaction that you have with others is determined by your ability to build relationships – short or long term.

Whether you are talking to a passenger sitting next to you in a train or dealing with close relatives, the power of these interactions depend on how well you can build and maintain relationships. This comes naturally to some people and is relatively difficult for introverts. Generally, if you are in the event promotions, management or planning field, then you are already a step closer to having these rapport building skills in you.

Quite like real life, you have to build trust and credibility with the audiences online as well. These interactions have to be like real-life conversations – show genuine interest in them, find out their pain points, see how you can help them, make their input an important part of shaping the events.

You can’t simply, as an example, put tickets online and expect people to buy them. You have to slowly and gradually build strong relationships based on trust and credibility first. The stronger your relationships, the more it will benefit your events. So schedule special time aside for investing in building meaningful relationships with the people who matter the most: your audience, your customers, your clients, your attendees.

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