List Building Tips to Help Grow Your Small Business

Building lists of customers, prospects, attendees, audiences should be a constant process. Once you have people on your lists make sure you start building a strong relationship with them. These lists are like an asset for every event organizer. They are an invaluable part of launching successful events and should be treated that way.

Building your lists is an ongoing job for event marketers, but it is one of the most important time investments that you can make in your business. Having qualified leads in your list that are at least interested in talking to you, are a hundred times better than blind advertising. Adding a new customer is a onetime cost, and will remain profitable as long as he/she is in your active lists.

You can benefit from that single customer throughout your event marketing career by repeatedly engaging and maintaining a relationship with him/her. If you don’t have something of value to offer to a prospect right now, it doesn’t mean that the prospect won’t be useful in your future event marketing endeavors.

Lists are basically people who have asked to participate in your conversation. Be careful not to send people off to the wrong lists, or ones that are not directly specific to what they signed up for. Always segment your lists into leads, prospects and customers, as it improves your individual communication with them.

To get people to subscribe you need to give them something of value. Your opt-in page must be dedicated to that call to action – it should be your best sales pitch. Just hiding opt-in boxes on a page with multiple objectives won’t work.

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